Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ancient Greece Contributions Essays

Ancient Greece Contributions Essays Ancient Greece Contributions Paper Ancient Greece Contributions Paper Ancient Greek Contributions Many of the roots in the Western civilization can be traced back to ancient Greece. They created long lasting contributions in the making of the Western development with their literature, drama, mathematics, philosophy, politics, and science. The ancient Greek contributions started from 1900 B. C. to 300 B. C. , but still have an impact on Western society today. As the Greeks expanded, they spread their ideas to other countries, while also receiving ideas from them. The important contributions of the Greeks to the Western society were philosophy, politics, medical science, Olympic Games, architecture and mathematics. One important contribution of the ancient Greeks was philosophy. Socrates was a famous ancient Greek philosopher. He believed that an unexamined life was not worth living (Document 1). This was known as the Socratic Method. Socrates thought that people should question everything in their lives. Because of his believes, he was put on trial for corrupting the cities of its youth and was later sentenced to death. Another Greek philosopher was Aristotle. He was taught by Plato, one more famous Greek philosopher and former student of Socrates. Aristotle believed that human nature is most superior when guided by reason because reason is what makes human beings so unique (Document 2). He taught Alexander the Great, who later conquered Persia and established the Hellenistic civilization. This civilization created a new philosophy stating people should avoid disappointment and just accept whatever life brings them. Philosophy impacted Western civilizations by setting values and morals for everyday life. A different contribution was politics. The Greeks believed in democracy. Pericles’ idea of a democracy stated that people should be able to voice their opinion no matter what their social standings were (Document 3). He thought that every citizen should have an equal opportunity to serve the public and help make their political decisions. Pericles ruled during the Golden Age and founded direct democracy. A direct democracy is when all citizens can vote on any issue without going through representatives or legislatures. Citizens were given the right to voice in their government. This type of political standing had greatly influenced Western governments. Another impact of the ancient Greeks was medical science. Hippocrates, the creator of the Hippocratic Oath, made a promise pledging that he would treat his patients and abstain from whatever is harmful to them (Document 4). In his oath, Hippocrates refused to give anything to his patients that would hurt them, but instead used all of his ability and judgment to treat his patients well. All studying doctors in Western civilizations take the Hippocratic Oath vowing to do anything in their power to do what is best for their patient and it is mandatory to take this oath to perform any kinds of medical treatments. One more great contribution made by the ancient Greeks was the Olympics. The marble sculpture of The Discus Thrower (Diskobolus) by Myron shows that the ancient Greeks believed in the beauty of the human body and that they liked to maintain fitness (Document 8). The Olympics allowed people of different cultures to come together and compete in physical events. Although in ancient Greek, only free white men were allowed to compete, Western civilizations allowed people of any race to enter. The Olympics allowed for cultural diffusion and tolerance. The Olympics are held every 4 years in Western nations. Architecture was another one of the ancient Greek contributions. The Parthenon’s pillars can be found in architectural buildings today (Document 7). The Greeks used limestone, marbles, and columns for their many public buildings that were showcased on top of the Acropolis. The Parthenon was created by Pericles in honor of Athena, a respected Greek goddess. The use of pillars can still be found in society today, especially in the United States where pillars were used to create the White House, Capital Building, and Jefferson Memorial. Mathematics was another distribution made by the Greeks. Euclid was a famous Greek mathematician who created the Proposition 15, Theorem (Document 5). This stated that if two straight lines intersect each other, the vertical angles will always be equal. Euclid, the writer of The Elements, opened doors to learning new concepts using geometry to all mathematicians and high school students in Western societies. The Greeks made an abundant amount of contributions to Western societies. They left democracy, philosophy, medical science, the Olympics, architecture, and mathematics for future developing civilizations. Pericles created a direct democracy which is still used today. Aristotle and Socrates gave future societies philosophy and encouraged them to question life and live a life full of reason. Hippocrates created the Hippocratic Oath, which is followed by doctors today to ensure that they will only do the best for their patients. The Greeks left the Olympics, which created a way of competing with people from different parts of the world on physical activities. Government buildings were the result of the Greeks creating public areas for their gods and goddess such as the Parthenon was created for the famed goddess, Athena. Lastly, Euclid gave future societies mathematics by creating the Proposition 15, Theorem. Because of ancient Greek contributions, today’s society has flourished and reached its peak.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Math Definition of a Sample Space in Statistics

Math Definition of a Sample Space in Statistics The collection of all possible outcomes of a probability experiment forms a set that is known as the sample space. Probability concerns itself with random phenomena or probability experiments. These experiments are all different in nature and can concern things as diverse as rolling dice or flipping coins. The common thread that runs throughout these probability experiments is that there are observable outcomes. The outcome occurs randomly and is unknown prior to conducting our experiment.   In this set theory formulation of probability, the sample space for a problem corresponds to an important set. Since the sample space contains every outcome that is possible, it forms a set of everything that we can consider. So the sample space becomes the universal set in use for a particular probability experiment. Common Sample Spaces Sample spaces abound and are infinite in number. But there are a few that are frequently used for examples in an introductory statistics or probability course. Below are the experiments and their corresponding sample spaces: For the experiment of flipping a coin, the sample space is {Heads, Tails}.  There are two elements in this sample space.For the experiment of flipping two coins, the sample space is {(Heads, Heads), (Heads, Tails), (Tails, Heads), (Tails, Tails) }.  This sample space has four elements.For the experiment of flipping three coins, the sample space is {(Heads, Heads, Heads), (Heads, Heads, Tails), (Heads, Tails, Heads), (Heads, Tails, Tails), (Tails, Heads, Heads), (Tails, Heads, Tails), (Tails, Tails, Heads), (Tails, Tails, Tails) }.  This sample space has eight elements.For the experiment of flipping n coins, where n is a positive whole number, the sample space consists of 2n elements. There are a total of C (n, k) ways to obtain k heads and n - k tails for each number k from 0 to n.For the experiment consisting of rolling a single six-sided die, the sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}For the experiment of rolling two six-sided dice, the sample space consists of the set of the 36 possible pairings of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. For the experiment of rolling three six-sided dice, the sample space consists of the set of the 216 possible triples of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.For the experiment of rolling n six-sided dice, where n is a positive whole number, the sample space consists of 6n elements.For an experiment of drawing from a standard deck of cards, the sample space is the set that lists all 52 cards in a deck. For this example, the sample space could only consider certain features of the cards, such as rank or suit. Forming Other Sample Spaces The above list includes some of the most commonly used sample spaces. Others are out there for different experiments. It is also possible to combine several of the above experiments. When this is done, we end up with a sample space that is the Cartesian product of our individual sample spaces. We can also use a tree diagram to form these sample spaces. For example, we may want to analyze a probability experiment in which we first flip a coin and then roll a die.  Since there are two outcomes for flipping a coin and six outcomes for rolling a die, there are a total of 2 x 6 12 outcomes in the sample space we are considering.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nervous systems,function and survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nervous systems,function and survival - Essay Example Sensory nervous system for instance sends viable information across to the CNS. The kind of information send through this channel is mostly gotten from external stimuli or from internal organs. From the CNS, the cells from the motor nervous system will carry loads of relevant information to organs, glands and muscles (Rudolf, 2008). Some elements of the nervous system perform such vital functions as contracting the bladder, constricting pupils as well as inhibiting heart rates. These are done by the parasympathetic division of the nervous system. On the same breath, the sympathetic division reverses these by speeding up the heart rate, relaxing the bladder and even dilating the pupils. This is in form of corrective measure to avert potential danger that accelerated heart rate can come with. It is said that each and every emotion that one experiences has to pass through the central nervous system. The CNS plays a pivotal role to initiate certain systems of reactions as soon as it is t riggered. As soon as the CNS starts to facilitate these systems, thoughts, experiences and movements, it does so to reach the rest of the body through organs, neurons and cells. A sense of balance is also vital to the body. This means that the body may want to stick to a strict mode of operation. The CNS manages to assist the body do this so as to enable one survive. Response to situations that are considered stressful are also controlled as much as possible, mostly through the launch of adrenaline that makes the stress patterns have little or no effect on the rest of the body. The CNS also manages to regulate serotonim production which has adverse effects on daily functions of life like desire for sex, hunger and sleep (Valery, 2006). The human body has immune system that contains various organs. These organs have billions of cells that function towards facilitating immunity. The endocrine system always releases hormones that support CNS so as to enable people or animals survive. T he white blood cells are the major stars in this effort as they check for foreign invaders in circulation of the blood. They facilitate immune response and fight against any unwanted materials that may invade the blood or the tissues. Living with stress tends to threaten the stability of an individual or an animal, and therefore homeostasis tends to restore the balance by responses that are either behavioral or physiological to attack intruders. The severity by which the intruders attack will act to activate the CNS which will in turn appoint the relevant adaptive responses. In this way the body stays quite safe and has the ability to fight diseases (Valery, 2006). Doctors have pointed out in studies that inflammations are the major causes of degenerative and chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes chronic fatigue, heart disease, lupus as well as many other diseases. This form of inflammation causes strong response witnessed from immune systems against pathogens that cause illness and physical injury. All these diseases have adverse effects on the immune system especially if they occur alongside stress. The immune system will be overcrowded and hence weakened leading to a compromise state of affairs in the immune system and hence this exposes people to many other illnesses (Rudolf, 2008). Hormones release is majorly done to facilitate

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economics in Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics in Mexico - Essay Example However, the 2008 recession affected Mexico and other Latin American nations making its Gross Domestic product contract by more than six percent. Regardless of unprecedented macroeconomic stability that reduced the record of inflation and interest rates to be low, this has made the per capita income increase leading to enormous gaps between populations living in rural areas and urban areas, states on the northern part and the southern part, and between the rich and the poor. Some of the main challenge the Mexican government faces include improvement in infrastructure, modernizing revenue collection system, changing the labor laws and reduction of inequality of the income (Cantwell et al.). Mexico’s economy contains industrial and services sectors that are rapidly growing as well as an increasing private ownership; at the ports, the administration has increased competition, and other things such as distribution of natural gas rail roads, generation of electricity, airports and telecommunications have also increase. The economy of Mexico is often export oriented and over 90% of business that are conducted in Mexico are under free trade agreement with over forty countries that include Israel, Japan, Central America, etc. NAFTA is one of the most influential free trade agreements that are used in Mexico beginning 1994; some of the governments that signed into NAFTA include the United States and Canada. 90% of all the exports and 55% of all the imports that took place in 2006 was between Mexico and two northern partners; there has been an approval of the judicial reforms and import tax from the Congress of Union while the reforms regarding oil industry is still under debate. The labor force of Mexico is seventy eight million and World Trade Organization and OECD rank Mexico’s workers as one of the hardest working globally in numbers of hours worked a year although the profitability per man-hour is relatively low (Cantwell et al.). Mexico is ranked the 16th largest exporter and 82% of all the exports got to the United States, trade with both Canada and the United States has tripled after NAFTA was implemented in 1994. The products manufactured and exported from Mexico is equivalent to the amount of goods produced by all the other Latin American states combined together; hence a large percent of foreign trade takes place in Mexico’s economy as compared to any other large country. Manufactured products are Mexico’s number 1 exports and the country has recently built its infrastructure in order to enhance trade with other countries. Carlos Helu owns a telecommunication company in Mexico and is considered one of the world’s richest men; his company is however a monopoly in Mexico and it controls 70% of all mobile phones, 70% of broadband and 80% of home phones lines. There are concerns that the lack of competition in the telecommunications sector is hampering economic growth and mobile phone penetration in Mexico is similar to that of Iraq at 85%. In Mexico, its costs double to have broadband connection and this is similar to Chile, and things that are near monopolies include the Bimbo, Televisa and Cemex. Mexico is ranked the ninth in oil production and it exports over three million barrels daily; this is less than that of Iraq, Canada, and China but is more when compared to that of Nigeria, Venezuela and Kuwait. Pemex is the country’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Test Statistic Essay Example for Free

The Test Statistic Essay Background: The decreasing scores of students in standardized tests in math and science have been a cause for concern for most education reformers; hence, intensive remediation had been designed for those who have been found to perform poorly at these tests. In order to test whether the intervention programs are effective, scores in the previous tests before the remediation was given will be compared to test scores after the remediation. Statement of the problem: Is there a significant difference in the test scores of students before and after the remediation program? Independent variable: Remediation program Dependent variable: Test scores (before and after remediation) Hypothesis: Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the test scores of students before and after the remediation program. Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference in the test scores of students before and after the remediation program. Effect size The effect size would indicate the magnitude of the difference of the scores, using Cohen’s (1988) conventional system, an effect size of .02 is small, .05 is moderate and .08 is large. The probability value would only tell us whether to reject of accept the null hypothesis but in no way tells us whether the difference is small or large. Statistics t = 5.192 df = 214 n = 216 Effect size: .05 Report   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The answered research question is â€Å"Is there a significant difference between the test scores of students in science and math before and after the remediation program?† The hypothesis tested is as follows: Ho: p = 0 Ha: p ≠  0   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The result of the t-test on student scores in the science and math test (t=5.192 at .05) which is larger than the t-critical value (p 4.33), with a sample size of 216 and a degrees of freedom of 214. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, thus, the remediation programs have indeed statistically increased the test scores of the students in science and math. The effect size is at .05 which is moderate (Cohen, 1988), this would indicate that the difference in the before and after test scores is moderate in value and hence is not really that large as expected. This would mean that the present remediation program has done its work but much is desired before it could be said that it has really reached its objective. References Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Press. Cohen, B. (2001). Explaining Psychological Statistics. New York: Wiley. Moore, D.S. (2000). The Basic Practice of Statistics 2nd   ed. New York: W.H. Freeman.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Awakenings Symbolic Significance Of The Sea :: essays research papers fc

In the novel, â€Å"The Awakening,† Kate Chopin tells the story of a young married woman, Edna Pontellier, who, while enjoying her summer holidays at a cottage on a beach with her family, meets a young man by the name of Robert Lebrun. Edna, who is not really in love with her husband, begins to have mixed feelings and, as a result, begins to realize who she truly is. Edna feels that something is lacking in her life. The author uses the ocean to personify and symbolize what is missing in Edna’s life--the love of a man and freedom of the soul.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On several occasions Chopin uses the sea as a personification of Edna’s longing for the love of a man. Although Edna is married, she does not have the feelings for her husband which coincide with being in love. In one example, Chopin describes the sea: â€Å"The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in abysses of solitude, to lose itself in mazes of contemplation† (13). The sea calls to Edna: â€Å"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft , close embrace† (13). Chopin is describing the sea as though it was a man with whom Edna is in love and for whom she feels a strong attraction, not just someone she can make love to but someone she can loose herself in. Later, the young man, Robert Lebrun, who is stirring up all these feelings in Edna, asks her if she is going swimming; she answers him no and tells him she is too tired. Chopin describes Edna’s actions afterwards: â€Å"Her glance wandered from his face away toward the Gulf, whose sonorous murmur reached her like a loving but imperative entreaty† (12). Chopin is projecting Edna’s feelings for Robert, whether Edna is conscious of these feelings or not, onto the sea because a part of Edna does want to go swimming with him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edna also has a strong need for freedom and Chopin, with respect to Edna’s character, makes reference to the sea to express this need. On one occasion, Edna and Madame Ratignolle, her neighbour for the summer, are sunbathing on the beach. Madame asks Edna to where her mind is wandering. Edna tells her the ocean is bringing back a memory of a field in Kentucky which, as a child, she had run through with arms stretched out in the breeze as though swimming

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Greed †Good or Bad? Essay

â€Å"Greed captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.† (Michael Douglas, Wall Street). The very idea of greed carries a negative connotation, however, does it drive the economy to bigger and better things? I think so, because without greed, people wouldn’t have a lust to create bigger, better, more efficient products. Greed causes competition of companies, every company wants to be rated #1 by consumers, and it’s that greed that leads to more productivity and innovation. Nearly everyone wants to get at least one thing that they don’t have, and to want that new car, new house, new computer, new bike, or whatever it is, the majority of people are willing to do almost whatever it takes to get it, that itself is greed. And greed feeds the American economy and keeps it going, greed leads to expansion in foreign trade and creates business opportunities. It causes an expansion of trade because people are willing to trade with other countries for goods that we our self can’t produce, or that can be produced cheaper. Greed is one of the most powerful tools in America; however, some would argue that greed is a bad thing because it leads to scandals and crime. This can be true, however, greed is used productively more often than not. Greed isn’t only good for business owners or producers; it’s good for everyone because it motivates everyone to strive for better things. Greed is the driving force of the economic world, and if everyone had the same financial, social, and political status, no one would care to strive for a better life. Rich people are not greedy in fact; they donate more to the â€Å"unfortunate† ones than any other class of people in America. Greed is especially a driving force in the American economy because everybody in America wants to get rich. Some people say greed is a necessary evil, I say it makes America the powerful country it is today, and gives everyone the dreams of making it big.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Gift of the Magi Analysis Base on Mla Format

Name Subject Lecturer Date Sacrifice Della and Jim as a Young Married Couple in â€Å"The Gift of the Magi† By O. Henry William Sydney Porter who also known by his pen name O. Henry. He was born on September 11, 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina. O. Henry was an american author that always make excellent literary’s work with twist plot, suprising ending and irony as his style and usually his works also inspired by social live or condition. The several famous O.Henry works like  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Ransom of Red Chief, â€Å"The Furnished Room† and â€Å"The Gift of the Magi. † The Gift of the Magi to tell about a young married couple (Della and Jim) who to face the economic crisis in their live. They supposed to buy a prize for the Christmas Eve, but they just have bit money. Della who have a beautiful hair and Jim have a precious clock, finally Della’s sell her hair, and buy an expensive chain for Jim’s clock, and Jim sell his precious clock and h e changes it into an expensive hair accessories.The gift of the magi who setting when Chrismast Eve, with the main characters Della and Jim, the theme about a young marriage couple who to test their love in the Chrismast Eve, and the irony happens at the time they gift their present for each others. In this work O. Henry describe about young couple married, Della and Jim still young but they will become an adult when they’re try to solve their own problem. O.Henry describes the character Jim have a mature think, likewise Della’s, Della character is not an egoist wife, and an understanding wife and also she try to not bothered his husband otherwise she really helps Jim with : â€Å"Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. † Della’s understand their economic condition, and that’s way she help her husband.And how about Jim? Jim is a sample of husband who has a duty to make his wife happy; he’s a hard working man. He is also selling his precious clock to give Della Chrismast present with an expensive hair accessories. O. Henry makes a solving Della and Jim problems are, Della finally find how the way she can give her husband a prize, she’s sells her beautiful wave hair, and then she buy her husband and likewise with Jim. They immolate their precious things to give a present in the Chistmast Eve.Then in the relationship of marriage needs an understanding feeling without this feeling the relationship will be broken moreover they are still young couple, many young couples who have egoistic characters because they still young and difficult to control their emotions and finally get divorce is the best solution . But, differ to Della and Jim, they look so mature person when their face into trouble life, they have sacrifice love: â€Å"De ll,† said he, â€Å"let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on. In this works O. Henry likes neutral when describe their both characters. He’s use the feminism and heroic fenomens in describing each character. Della a strong woman and Jim a sincere man. They sincerity and their sacrifice love suitable as an example to the others young married couples. Works Cited Henry, O. â€Å"The gift of the magi. † Web. 19 Dec. 2012. Henry, O. â€Å"The gift of the magi. † Theme. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. Henry ,O. â€Å"Wikipedia. † Web. 19 Dec. 2012.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Survey Graphing Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders

Survey Graphing Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders As early as kindergarten, students are required to take and analyze surveys. In the younger grades, analyzing graphs can be done on calendars. For instance, each day the children will record the type of weather based on a few weather symbols (cloudy, sunny, rainy foggy etc.) The children are then probed for questions like, How many rainy days have we had this month? or What type of weather have we mostly had this month? The teacher will also use the chart paper to record data about the children. For instance, graph the type of shoe children are wearing. On the top of the chart paper, the teacher will have buckles, ties, slip on, and velcro. Each student would put a tick mark on the type of shoe they are wearing. Once all children have identified the type of shoe they are wearing, the students will then analyze the data. These skills are early graphing and data analyzing skills. As students progress, they will take their own surveys and graph their results. Students need to be taught that there is a variety of ways to record their results. Here are a few ideas to promote graphing and surveying skills. Survey Ideas for Students to Graph and Analyze Survey the type (genre) of books people like to read.Survey how many musical instruments a person can list.Survey a favorite sport.Survey a favorite color or number.Survey favorite pets or types of animals.Survey the weather: temperature, precipitation or type of day (hazy, windy, foggy, rainy etc).Survey a favorite TV show or movie.Survey favorite snack foods, soda flavors, ice cream flavors.Survey favorite holiday locations or favorite all-time holiday.Survey favorite subject in school.Survey number of siblings in a family.Survey amount of time spent watching TV in a week.Survey amount of time spent playing video games.Survey the number of countries people have been.Survey what classmates want to be when they grow up.Survey the types of ads that come on TV over a period of time.Survey the different color of cars that drive by over a specific period of time.Survey the types of ads found in a specific magazine Graphing and Analyzing Survey Data When children have the opportunity to take opinion polls/surveys, the next step is to analyze what the data tells them. Children should try to determine the best way to organize their data. (Bar graph, line graph, pictograph.) After their data is organized, they should be able to state specifics about their data. For instance, what happens the most, the least, and why do they think that is. Eventually, this type of activity will lead to the mean, median, and the mode. Children will require ongoing practice taking polls and surveys, graphing their results, interpreting, and sharing the results of their polls and surveys.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

4 Awful Situations You Might Find Yourself in if You Could Not Hire Online

4 Awful Situations You Might Find Yourself in if You Could Not Hire Online 4 Awful Situations You Might Find Yourself in if You Could Not Hire Online Hiring a writer online is something you reserve for times when your workload is overwhelming or the task is very challenging and you need the extra help. But imagine a world without the option to hire a custom essay writer online. 1. You Don’t Have Time to Do Other More Important Tasks With all you have on your plate there will be times when the work is simply too much. What if you have something important, like the wedding of a close family member, that you are forced to miss because you need to write a paper? What a disappointment that would be to you and your family. 2. You Have so Much Work You Have No Time for a Job How will you pay for expenses and necessities when you are constantly strapped for time due to the demands of school? The reason you are attending college is to have a career and find a job which improves your finances, but how will that workout if you can not afford to eat now because you can not work? 3. You Never Go out You are young, so are your friends. They find time to go out and enjoy life, but you are always stuck at home because of the demands of school. Life should not be all work and no play, which is no life at all. Hiring a custom essay writer online will free up some time for you to relax a little and enjoy life. 4. You Have Sleepless Nights and Suffer from the Insomniac Hangover You know what we are talking about. That feeling you have when you have been up all night, hunched over your desk typing or writing. Then you look up at the clock and suddenly the sun is out again and it is time to attend your first class. That groggy, sleepy, worn out feeling you have as you force yourself through the day, fighting to stay awake and do whatever it is you need to do. Life does not need to be this way. Give yourself permission to skip nights like this and hire a custom essay writer so you can sleep easy. A world without the option to hire online is a scary thought. While it is true that you should not hire a writer online for every task and assignment, the fact that they are available when you need them is a relief. They are there when you are rushed for time and can not edit nor proofread a long, lengthy paper. You know how to perform these tasks, so you are not missing out on experience when you hire online. It’s just that you simply don’t have the time unless you sacrifice other important events in your life. Give yourself some freedom and take care of your social and academic life at the same time and get a little help with that paper. You will be glad you did.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

''Literature Review'' Topic-Causes of Falls In Elderly Patients Essay

''Literature Review'' Topic-Causes of Falls In Elderly Patients - Essay Example For this reason, it is necessary for health care providers to carefully detect the causes of falls in order to prevent and minimize the risks of falls. Based on the report of the National Health Statistics in England and Wales, the total number of fall and fracture during the year 2004 is 4,547. (National Statistics, 2006) Roughly 64.1% of the cases is unintentional, 32.5% is caused by osteoporosis. The remaining 2.2% and 1.2% is caused by suicide and undetermined probable homicide respectively. (See Table I in appendix– Incidence of Falls and Fractures in England and Wales on page 15) As I work in an elderly rehabilitation ward this topic is more relevant to my clinical area because elderly individuals are more prone to experience fall-related injuries. Seventy percent of accidental death among the elderly patients is due to fall. Most of the elderly individuals that suffer from hip fracture due to serious falls are not able to regain their normal level of function. (Stevens and Olson, 2000) The fact that this type of accidents could lead to the serious physical injury and death among the elderly individuals (Lipsitz, 1991), the causes of falls should be taken seriously in order to prevent and minimize the incidence of falls among the elderly individuals. Therefore, it is necessary to rehabilitate physical injuries due to fall (Muche and McCarty, 2006). In gathering concrete evidences regarding the causes of falls among the elderly patients, the author uses the search engines particularly ‘yahoo’ and ‘google’. Both search engines has been very helpful in enabling the researcher to locate relevant evidenced-based journal that comes from databases search such as dialog datastar: Medline, Embase, Pubmed, The Cochrane Library, Sumsearch, and Trip database. In searching for peer-reviewed journals, the author entered search